GTL (Gas to Liquid) Technology


GTL (Gas to Liquid) Technology

Along with it's US Associate, Merit is in the process of capturing flare gas in Oman's oil fields. The GTL technology, developed in the US, converts the gas to usable liquids such as diesel, gasoline, methanol etc. This project will eliminate the release of toxic gases into the atmosphere while at the same time producing usable liquids.

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High Purity Water Protection Systems

In association with Hartmann, Merit brings high purity water production equipment & systems which is essential for many sectors such as healthcare, laboratories, food industries etc.

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Planned Factory Power Station

In association with Spiratec Engineering, Merit has roped in planned factory power station process automation and process optimization.

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Hybrid Renewable Power Plant

Merit is currently in negotiations with an oil company based in the Sultanate about the feasibility of a hybrid renewable power plant operating on a waste to energy format combined with solar power with the capability of producing 3-5 megawatts.

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Factory and Power Station Engineering

In association with Actemium Controlmatic GmbH, Merit has roped in international expertise of planned factory and power station engineering erection and commission with a company who has been involved in projects worth billions of euros.

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